Community Room Reservations
View the current bookings in the community room:
Community Room Reservation Information
Fees: A refundable usage fee of $25.00 is to be paid at the time of reservation. The usage fee deposit is refunded if the Community Room is returned cleaned and in good order and repair. Refundable usage fee is due 2 business days prior to reservation.
Availability: Meetings/events may be Monday – Sunday 8: 00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. If this is abused, the usage fee will not be refunded, and future requests by the abusing party will be denied.
- Residents will be held responsible for adhering to the Community Room use Rules and Regulations.
- An agreement form must be signed, and a deposit delivered to confirm the reservation. Please do this as soon as possible in order to secure the desired date.
- Maximum capacity is 35. Applicant is responsible for ensuring this is not exceeded.
- Residents may reserve the Community Room through management during business hours. Reservations will be confirmed or rejected by the American Rentals LLC management. In the event of a reservation cancellation, residents are requested to notify management on a timely basis. The right of reservation is restricted to adult residents only. Reservations will need to be made at least 48 hours in advance.
- Deposit will be returned after management has checked the room, and if there is no evidence of other rule violations.
- Residents are held responsible for their guests by controlling noise and disturbances. If disturbances call for involving the police, the privilege of reserving the room will end.
- No smoking and no firearms are permitted at any time.
- All meeting and events must conclude by 10:00 p.m.
- Food and drink may be served, but must be cleaned up at the end of the event.
- The Community Room must be left clean. All garbage must be removed from the premises. Furniture must be returned to their original locations in the community room.
- Applicant is responsible for any damage to building, furniture, or fixtures during his/her use of the Community Room.
- It is mandatory that the resident requesting a reservation of the Community Room be the principal host or the primary beneficiary of the social function intended. Residents will be assessed for any clean up or damages to the community room/clubhouse.
- Children must be supervised at all times
- American Rentals LLC is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Please fill out the form below to request reserving the room on a specific time/day.
By filling out the form below, you are agreeing to the following "I have read, and agree to comply with the Community Room Policy Rules. I understand that the resident shall be responsible for injury to persons or property that occurs while the Community Room is being used. I am at least 18 years of age. The undersigned is authorized to execute this agreement on behalf of the Group."
We will review your submission and contact you shortly to confirm your reservation.